
Environmental Sustainability

The ICTSI Rio seeks for mutual and beneficial partnership with providers, based on ethical and transparent behavior in business, and for the respect with environmental laws and human rights. 

The Environment management Impact, the promotion and diffusion of environment culture valorization are performed by an implementation of policies e processes to ensure the compliance of environment laws and promote a culture of sustainable management of operations.

Management of solid and recyclable residue: implementation schedule which assist the national policies of solid waste internally, through the management of recyclable waste.  Carbon emission, energetic efficient, a responsible use of natural resources and workers awareness about the important of environmental issues.

We are working for avoid pollution, phase out deviation of process, reduce the waste, control the residue by improving our actions. Always keeping the goal of residue and conservation of resources and energy.


Social Sustainability

The ICTSI has as goal the application of 100% of resources which comes Municipal Law to Encourage Culture - ISS Law. The company supports cultural events which aim the improvement and consolidation of education and art. 

The project selection is carrying out by communication area, through specific analyses, by this point, the board decide the definition of projects that will being receive the resources.  

Identification of  values and company culture, assist to the community where the ICTSI RIO is in, as well as expansion to more people can be benefited with this initiative, are the principal requirements to selection project. Always keeping the goal of the development of children in vulnerable situations.

The social investments made by ICTSI RIO are directed to education, by the improvement of education quality through projects with complete and give straight to the school place Fomenting to expansions of development of project participants.